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If you are having problems with money and debt and think you may be a compulsive debtor, you have come to the right place. Debtors Anonymous can help you.


We offer face-to-face, telephone, and internet meetings throughout the Bay Area. 

We suggest attending at least six meetings to have an opportunity to identify with the speakers and become familiar with DA, before deciding whether or not this program is for you. If you identify with some or all aspects of compulsive debting, we hope you will join us on the path of recovery

and find the peace, joy, and love that we have found in

Debtors Anonymous.


​Monthly Meeting of NorCal DA Intergroup

Intergroup is currently meeting as a hybrid meeting on the Third Saturday of every month from 10:15am-12:15pm, via ZOOM as well as in person at St. Teresa Church, 390 Missouri Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.


ZOOM Link: The Zoom link to join is on the Intergroup Meeting page under the "Meetings" tab.

If your individual meetings have specific needs, please show up online or in person to present them. 


Physical Address (Please Come and Be in Fellowship) 
Opportunities for fellowship after the meeting

Address: St Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, 1490 19th St, San Francisco, CA 94107

Link to Map Physical Address: Map on Google

Link to Church Map and Website:



Meeting ID: 761 979 3654 Passcode: recovery

Monthly Meeting of NorCal DA Intergroup Public Information Committee


Public Information

Hospitals, Institutions & Prisons

Monthly Work & Planning Online Session


​​Who should attend? Public Information Officers and any member of DA with a heart for carrying the message to still suffering debtors.


When: First Monday of every month

Time: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pacific time

Where: Zoom Only (Link Below)


Meeting ID: 862 4147 6175

Passcode: outreach

NCDA Intergroup

1875 Mission St., Suite 103, San Francisco, CA 94103

© 2024 NCDA Intergroup

(415) 295-6232 (NCDA)


Tradition Three: "The only requirement for D.A. membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt."; "We avoid bias based on race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual or gender orientation, ability or disability, religion or lack of religion, politics, socioeconomic status, and other such factors" pg. 76, The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous.

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